Study – Serial Strangulation in Sport Does Not Lead to Increased Stroke Risk

How safe is it to be strangled hundreds of times in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or other submission grappling arts? The latest research addressing this subject has just been published. Dr. Samuel J. Stellpflug, a US based physician and one of the world’s leading researchers of the medical consequences of serial strangulation in sport has authored … More Study – Serial Strangulation in Sport Does Not Lead to Increased Stroke Risk

Ringside Doctors Publish Position Statement on Cannabis in Combat Sports

Today the Association of Ringside Physicians published a position statement on the use of cannabis in combat sports. (disclosure, I co-authored the paper contributing to the section discussion regulatory issues surrounding cannabis). In short the ringside doctors note that medical literature supports more potential harm from short term and long term cannabis use than benefits. … More Ringside Doctors Publish Position Statement on Cannabis in Combat Sports