Combat Sports Struck With Two Tragedies in Recent Weeks

A profound spinal cord injury and a profound brain injury. Two tragic outcomes in the combat sports community in recent weeks.

This week Leah McCourt shared that MMA fighter Ryan Curtis suffered a severe spinal cord injury in training. In addition to the spinal cord injury he suffered “a broken back, broken neck and dislocated spine”.

A GoFundMe has been launched which has been strongly embraced by the combat sports community helping offset some of the financial pressures Ryan’s family is facing in the face of this tragedy.

In a separate tragic incident in Vancouver, BC, a PhD student named Lei Zhenhuan signed up for a ‘light’ contact kickboxing tournament. Shortly following three bouts he lost consciousness and was taken to hospital where an acute subdural hematoma was diagnosed. Emergency brain surgery was performed however he remains in a vegetative state. It has been three months and his family can use some help.

I have organized a GoFundMe for Lei’s family. If you can share or donate your contributions are greatly appreciated. Some more details below:

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